Job | DBA Job | MongoDB, Database Administration, Linux Chennai Job | India Job |

Job | DBA Job | MongoDB, Database Administration, Linux Chennai Job | India Job |

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Location :
Chennai, India
Positon :
Skills :
MongoDB, Database Administration, Linux
Experience :
3+ years in Mongo DB
Candidate Pref :
Role :
DBA (Mid level)
Qualification :
Any graduate
Job Profile :
  1. deep understanding of high available mongodb deployment, vertical/horizontal scaling (replica sets / sharding)
  2. ability to maintain the release management environments for both projects (development/staging/training/production).
  3. the dba will have to analyze the performance of the production environment of both projects (profiling).
  4. the dba will have to closely monitor the nodes of the production environment.
Apply :
To apply please send resume to in.careers@comodo.com

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